This was the 3rd ERCP that this 54 year old gentleman underwent. His last procedure was in February when two plastic stentswere placed after stricturoplasty His ALP levels had started to rise and the ultrasound scan suggested blocked scents. We retrieved the two stents (A: white arrows show the stents and red arrow shows the snare around them. B: the retrieved stents). Contrast injection initially showed a cutoff at the proximal level of the native duct (C: white arrow) but further contrast outlined the implant's ductal system (D: white arrows show the site if anastomosis and the segmental branches). We decided to use a TTS balloon (E) to dilate the stricture again. The guidewire could only be maneuvered into one of the segmental branches (F: white arrow) and despite repeated attempts, even with a thinner 0.018 inch glide wire, we couldn't enter into the remaining two branches (F: red arrows). This segmental branch's combined Union with the confluence area, along with the main anastomotic site were then dilated (G: white arrow shows the contrast filled balloon). Repeat dye injection showed considerable improvement in the anastomotic site (H: white arrow. Red arrow shows one of the branches with a narrow Union that we couldn't enter) so we decided not to put any stents this time. This patient had a biliary cast last time so we decided to sweep the bike duct with a stone extraction balloon (I: white arrow shows the balloon assembly in position. J: black arrows show the inflated balloon being pulled downward). There were no casts this time and the sweep was clean. The patient would be followed up with ultrasound and LFTs.
I am a gastroenterologist. This is a blog of the ERCPs and related endoscopic procedures carried out at my department. Dr Adnan Salim.
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Second (actually 3rd) ERCP for post transplant biliary leak
This 60 year old gentleman had earlier undergone ERCP and stenting for an anastomotic biliary leakage a few months earlier

This 60 year old gentleman had earlier undergone ERCP and stenting for an anastomotic biliary leakage a few months earlier
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