Tuesday, May 10, 2016

First ERCP for post liver transplant anastomotic biliary stricture (CASE N)

This 54 year old gentleman had recently undergone living donor liver transplant at our centre. He had presented with fever, chills, pruritus and a raised ALP level. His MRCP showed a short stricture at the anastomotic site (A: white arrow). We were greeted with a bulging ampulla on ERCP (B). Contrast injection highlighted the stricture ( C & D: white arrow). We dilated the track with a 7 French graduated dilatation catheter (D: black arrow) followed by placement of a 7 French plastic stent of 12 cm length (E:black arrows. White arrow shows the upper end of the stent assembly). This was rewarded with a gush (F: white arrow) of white (hence infected) bile.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome ,dint know that such hi tech business is being carried out in Pakistan.hats off


Second (actually 3rd) ERCP for post transplant biliary leak

This 60 year old gentleman had earlier undergone ERCP and stenting for an anastomotic biliary leakage a few months earlier http://ercp365.bl...